Convert to Dry Land Under Contract

The State of Oregon is working with U.S. Department of Agriculture to develop a program to compensate landowners for not using their groundwater. This is one strategy currently being explored to reduce groundwater use in the Harney Basin.


  • Temporarily retire water rights through a contract for 15 years:

    —   Federal contract for payment of an irrigated land rental rate.

    —   Cost-share payment for implementation of conservation cover implementation.

    —   Ensure water rights are not lost by non-use for 15 years.

  • Permanently voluntarily cancel your water right with payment of a conservation contract (CREP) with the federal government over a 15 year period.

    —   State payment for the water right by annual payments over 15 years.

    —   Conservation cost-share payments for establishing a permanent cover.

  • Incentives may be available through the Harney Valley Groundwater CREP.



  • TBD



Questions about retiring water rights? No longer need your groundwater permit? 

Contact xxxxxxxx at xxxxxxxxxx to provide an update on your water-use status.